The cutting down on booze talk with the husband

Soooo football season is upon us and I'm sure much like most my husband definitely over indulges during this time of year between college and nfl.  He has season tickets for the Chargers and I'm just worried that he is going to be completely unavailable/unable to be fully present when the time comes. When he is at the game he has a tendency to ignore me all day (even though I know he's on his phone all day - checking his fantasy team) and comes home feeling pretty good.
Do any of you ladies plan on having the you need to cut back talk and around what week should that happen?  Mostly concerned because lately he's been getting pretty wastey facey and it started to make me think about the fact that if the baby comes during the weekend he won't be able to drive us - and I don't want to be pissed off that he is wasted while I'm trying to deliver!  I still want him to be able to enjoy this time but a little bit more responsibly 😊