Implantation bleeding or period?

Could this be implantation bleeding or just my period? 
My normal periods are usually very heavy with clots and usually last for 6-7 days. I have never had spotting before my period. Usually just starts off heavy and gets just a tad bit lighter towards the end of my period with brownish color usually the last day. 
Three days before my period was supposed to start I had some very light pink spotting only when I wiped. Maybe three times throughout the day, then the next two days I had a medium bright red/pink flow, not nearly as heavy as my normal period. Than yesterday it was back to just spotting on and off not even enough to fill a panty liner. Just when I wiped I noticed the very light pink color. Today, I had used the bathroom early this morning and when I wiped it was brown. Very light and that's was the last time I had blood. Any advice is very appreciated. 

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