Really bad delivery with DS should I opt for scheduled c-section this time?

Kinsey • WAHM with a handsome 3yo boy, 2mo girl, and 3 fur babies.
My DS is 2 and half years old now and doing great, but his entry into the world was terrible! It was an induced labor due to severe polyhydraminos. DS ended up with shoulder dystocia, vacuum and forceps assistance failed. Not sure if it's lucky or unlucky, but as the anesthesiologist walked in the room I got one last push and DS popped out! I suffered 3rd and 4th degree tears and a long recovery. I don't remember holding him until 3 days after his delivery and he spent time in the NICU from the stress of it. Since I've become pregnant again I've realized have PTSD from the experience and am talking with birth coaches, doctors, & therapists to work through it. My doctor has offered the option of scheduling a cesarean this time though it's completely up to me. I'm currently 17 weeks with a little girl. I don't know what to do. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Got any good advice or similar stories?