Hoping this is my month 🙏🏼 UPDATE

Sheree • Been ttc #1 since around April 2015 had a miscarriage end of March 2016 and August 2018 still ttc however will be starting ivd as well fingers crossed it happens this year
Update! So after all that AF decided to show her ugly face last night 6 days early and with one of the worst periods I've had for pelvic pain and back pain so looks like I'm out this month 😢😢😢 
So according to glow my fertile window was between 2nd - 9th August I ovulated on cd 16th which was 7th August.
Trying not to get my hope up but for the last few days I've been feeling sick, bloody toothache and sore boobs which if I'm honest i get sore boobs every few months, however I'm now 6 days away from AF I had a little cramp this morning and pelvic pain and went to the toilet and notice light spotting when i wiped. I've had one of the hardest months possible so took a step back from trying as my mind has been all over the place. Really hoping this is my chance! Baby dust to all xxx