My Kayla is here💝

So first we tot she was going to come early with all the drama and stress of pre-birth and the cerclage OP at week 25 to having to wait for her to come😜. So we went for my normal check up to my ob/gyn on the 4th day overdue and she said we have to go in so I can be induced as the water was almost gone for her to be cushioned, this was the 27th, so we went to d hospital and we were scheduled for the 28th @ 9am, 28th we were  there with all the excitement to meet our precious little one, I was induced almost immediately as we had done all d necessary checks d previous day, CTG was carried out and we went up to d station to wait for labour, we took long walks and I almost started jumping to kickstart contractions 😜 as d doctor said it might take up to 24hrs since I was a FTM, hmmmm no, 7hrs later it started and I was wheeled down to d labour ward by DH and there d magic started or so I tot, contractions started at about 2pm and after 25mins my water broke with a pop and the worse kind of pain I've never felt before in my life took over me, my God!!!! It continued for every 7mins and all of a sudden changed to every 3mins and I was just 5cm dilated😳, this continued for another 3 hrs, I asked for some pain reliever, I got some but didn't do anything then I was given another and still nothing, this time I've started speaking in a different language, so d doc said I should go for the epidural which I agreed to but after several tries with me having contractions now every 6-7 seconds apart, it was difficult to insert and so I went without pain reliever and I was already 10cm dilated, I was asked to push when I felt like and so I started, thinking in a couple of minutes I would be done, so this is getting too long lovely ladies, but nope, I pushed with all I had, having my right leg in my right hand, my DH fingers almost crushed and doing all I could to get our baby out but to no avail, I could feel her head but I couldn't crown her, we had just 20mins to go before the 2hrs pushing would be over and my doctor decided this has gone too far, she called in d OP ward to get ready and then called in a second doctor, she was going to try something else before sending me for a cs, d second doctor was to climb on d bed to my left shoulder and d midwife was to hold my right leg open while she d main doctor gave me an episiotomy and took out d forceps, I was being dug into🙈, she said at d count of three I should push with all I had and they would do d rest, at d count of three d doctor by my shoulder push so hard at my tommy from d top and I screamed d living daylight out of me and at that same time I felt this pop and my baby's head was born and before I could breath I heard another 3 and again came this push on my tommy and the greatest relive every ran through me, my baby is been born🙃😊💝 OMG. I had lost two paints of blood, weak but happy it was over, over joyed our treasure was here at last.
After d loss of one twin at 11wks, cerclage at week 25 and a 5days over due pregnancy, our Treasure Kayla Leonie Chimamake Dillmann was born on the 29.7.2016 at 00,43am weighing 3,425 and at 50cm💝❤️
I'm so grateful to God almighty