Ttc for 7 months now. But my opk test isn't showing I'm at my most fertile day.

Brittany • Mom of three and pregnant with our rainbow 🌈
My husband n I have been ttc for 7 months. Started off with just generally trying. No counting. No opk test. Literally nothing. He decided 2 weeks ago he wants to put more of a focus on trying with opk and monturing due to him feeling infertile or just something wrong, and with me having a chemical pregnancy last month and a tubal 2 years ago. glow is showing I'm at my peak today. yesterday during 3 test through the day opk showed 2 faint lines. This morning it's showing a faint second line on one test. I'm starting to get frustrated but definitely enjoying the sex considering my husband is finally on shore duty instead of out to sea every two weeks so we tended to miss my fertile window alot. Any suggestions or ideas on why my opk test are nit showing posotives??