Chronic venous insufficiency

Hey ladies! So I have a general question concerning a diagnosis I got prior to my current pregnancy. I was diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency of my left leg only. My question is has anyone or is anyone going through this while being pregnant? I was warned it could worsen with pregnancy and become more of an issue.. Well it has gone full blown crazy! It started on my upper thigh after the birth of my son who is not 2 1/2yrs old and since becoming pregnant this time it has spread drastically so much so that it not only goes down my leg but has began to cause swelling and pain to the veins going up to and on the left side of my vagina. Seriously ouch!!! My midwife is sending me to be seen by maternal fetal medicine to monitor the issue since it is a health condition. I am otherwise healthy and my pregnancy has been great, baby is well. Anyways they are concerned that a natural vaginal birth may be problematic, I'm bummed since the birth of my son was a perfect drug free natural birth. They are saying there is an increased risk I may need a c-section, totally not what I want but would obviously do what's best for myself and baby . Have any of you had this condition and similar symptoms and such as I described? I'm slightly freaked out and a little terrified so it'd be great to hear some stories from personal experience. I'm not due until December so I have a few months to go yet. Any input would be great! Thanks! 😊
Oh and I wasn't exactly sure which forum to put this under so hope I picked the right one!