Nightmare Gyno

I swear what I'm about to tell you is the truth and these kinds of doctors/offices are not just urban legends. 
Story starts in Late January after my gynecologist I have been seeing for my entire adult life (she even delivered my brother and I) decided that she was going to retire. At 75, I couldn't blame the lady! So I was told that this new Doctor would be just as helpful as my retiring gynecologist. I go to see the new doctor and I was not amused by her bedside manner or her attitude. At the time, I was 210 lbs. I knew I was over weight and I was already making changes to by diet and work out routine. My husband came along with me as we were planning to have a baby. The doctor came in 15 different times and told me that I was morbidly obese and how bad it was. One time would have been enough, the 14 extra gave me a bad feeling about it. I shrugged it off thinking that maybe she was having an off day, we all have them so why not a doctor. I put the appointment behind me and then lost 40 lbs from January to August.  
So on August 4th, I had my first gynecologist appointment since finding out I was pregnant. I was excited, scared and hopeful as most mothers who find out their newly pregnant are.  So we walk into the office and even reception was a nightmare. We arrived 15 minutes early and we didn't get into the doctors office until 45 minutes after my appointment. At this point like most new mommies to be, I had to pee. So when they handed me up a cup, I ran to the bathroom. 
After I successfully peed in the cup, I walked out and they put me into a room. The nurse didn't even weigh me just took blood pressure and heart rate. So after she left the doctor came in soon after the nurse with a student who was practicing to be a doctor. They asked me a few mandatory questions such as "have you had unprotected sex." Well gee, if I'm pregnant. Chances are, yes I did. Especially if my husband is sitting right next to me. Didn't ask if I had questions, and every time I would ask an open ended question, she told me that she would discuss with me after the appointment.  
When I went to go take my blood, they tried four different times, saying I wasn't hydrated. They finally got it out of my hand while blowing that vein out and causing a hemotoma that by the way is still there. They said that they don't do an ultrasound until they have the hormone level confirmed. Fine, I get that but what I don't get is they said the results would come back in one day and no one would call me until I called them a week and a day after my appointment. After getting lied to by everyone in the office, I contacted to community health centers administrator and finally got answers for what was going on. 
They said my hormone levels were 2,641 which is between 5 and 6 weeks. No one told me I'd need more tests if the levels weren't what they wanted. When they said they would call me back in a day and didn't I knew something was up, but going with out any answers or even getting answeredfor any  questions  that I had, I was basing everything off what I knew off of the Internet, and we all know how reliable the Internet is. 
So today, I have an appointment to have blood drawn, and the head nurse who said she would do it wasn't there, I felt like my pregnancy wasn't a priority to anyone other than myself. Even my husband didn't understand why I was upset. 
Midwives are not covered by my insurance company, and apparently they don't cover water births. So I'm forced to have my first child in a hospital where I don't feel comfortable and quit frankly scares the crap out of me.  This has been an awful experience and I hope that the new doctor is worth all of this headache.