Disappointing obygn appointment today


So today I hade my 36 and 3 days appointment with my obygn .

He said I have gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks.

However when I last checked it was 194 at the office 3 weeks ago.

Anyways they say a pound a week is normal so I gained around 2.5 a week.

However I have alot of water weight and am swollen everywhere.

I haven't been feeling that we'll the past 2 weeks and have alot of pressure and pain when I am standing and or walking so I decided to take it easy and be on bed rest for the majority of the day minus dishes and cooking ect.

Anyways he told me to try and not gain anymore weight. ......how the hell am I suppose to do that when she is in the prime stage of weight gain?

I eat healthy and only have 2 meals a day plus a snack.

I am so sad and depressed and omg 200 pounds feels horrible.

I have never been this heavy in my life and I do plan on loosing it after she is born but he kina made me feel like I'm doing something wrong.

I'm also on a med that's has weight gain side effects.

I know I'm not alone in this but I am worried even know I have a scheduled C section for the 9th of september.