Will Plan B work for me?

My Bf and I had sex on 8/12, according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> I was ovulating that day. I took plan B this morning 8/15. I heard that plan b isn't very effective in over weight women (which I am) and not really effective if I've already ovulated. Will plan b work for me? And if it doesn't work, will it hurt the baby? 
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Posted at
I think you might've taken it a bit late. Like you just BARELY missed the cutoff and the later you take it the less effective it'll be. Especially since you've ovulated, that plays a huge factor. And plan b won't hurt the baby because there is no baby to hurt. It stops the fertilization process. Sex ➡️ Fertilization ➡️ Baby. Just wait for your period, if you miss it take a test


Posted at
Plan B is very effective no matter what your weight is. I took it last year when I ovulated and I didn't et pregnant. It will shed the lining of your uterus and you may bleed heavily during your next period but there is always that chance you'll get pregnant so make sure you don't take any medications that may hurt the baby until you're 100% sure.


Harley • Aug 16, 2016
Oh I'm sorry. You can go to planned parenthood and ask for another brand that works just as well. I got it for free with birth control.


Tee. 🌸 • Aug 16, 2016
I'm trying. The source of me getting it is a little bit messed up because the person who is supposed to get it for me keeps leaving me behind..


Harley • Aug 16, 2016
Yes but try to take it before


Posted at
I never heard of plan B not being effective on overweight women...but I know that you're supposed to take it working 72hrs of unprotected sex...so if you think you followed the instructions right than you should be fine


Posted at
Plan b isn't abortion... It can't hurt the baby if the baby is already made. But it sounds like you took it too late. Especially if you think you have ovulated&nbsp;