I'm an emotional wreck!

My ex wants to get back with me, my current boyfriend and I are fighting, and my best friend confessed his love to me with the help of a drunken kiss... What the hell do I do!?
My ex and I have one of those relationships that were never officially over. We are like each other's poison and wine. Also on top of that, we have a 1 year old son together. I strongly still care about him but I can't get passed the facts that he wants to be a child still and won't get a job, plus he's in jail currently...
My current boyfriend and I have been on and off for the past 2 years this October. We fight all the time and unless he gives me food, his presence is starting to really annoy me. I used to like the fact that we are so different but now I just want to shut him out and not care about anything. When he comes to my house, I literally go to a completely different part of the house. We never really talk anymore and if we do, we fight....
My best friend which my current boyfriend hasn't liked, even before we were together because him and my boyfriends ex are friends, confessed his love for me about three days ago. Also he did this with the help of an alcoholic kiss (which was quite enjoyable I might add). I've trusted him with so much and I feel so bad for not doing anything about it but honestly, I was in a state of shock. I never knew he could do that. Well he wanted to give me time to think about it and all I can do is think about him. I check my phone everyday almost every two hours to expect a text or call from him. It's not like it used to be now but what should I do at this point...
I'm so confused. I don't know what I want. Can I please get some opinions or someone to talk to about this... I'm sick of staying up until 4 with a headache because I couldn't come up with a conclusion. Fml. 😔🔫💔