My SO hurt me 😢 (venting story)

For the first time in our lives together my SO scared me tonight. He touched my bump and the baby was trying to get closer to his hand, it hurt me really bad so I pushed his hand away and asked him to stop. He kept trying to feel him anyway and when I moved his hand the 3rd time he yelled "don't!!! that's my fncking son!" He never swears at me! 😢 he didn't know it was hurting me and he's only ever felt him kick 2 or 3 times so I understand him wanting to feel his baby. (He did it out of love) But it makes me wonder "what else is he capable of if he thinks it's out of love," And on top of that it doesn't matter if I was or wasn't hurting if someone says don't touch me, you don't touch them. married or not. He's the Only person I've ever felt safe with and now I can throw that out the window (sorry for the long rant, just needed to vent)
I like hearing everyone's opinion, but to the girls who are saying apologize to your husband. WTF... "I'm sorry you were hurting me and I couldn't manage to spit out the words until after you got rough and loud." No. I will definitely not apologize, I will forgive him even tho In the same situation I would have asked why, before getting angry, because I understand his point of view. Also at 9 months pregnant the stupidest request should be carried out because of all the things we go through. So "please stop, no! HONEY WAIT!" Is something a husband should pick up on as 'what's wrong' not as 'selfish bitch' besides the whole, apologize thing. I agree with you ladies he just wanted to feel the baby too and I didn't communicate quickly enough, I'm sure next time he'll be more curious as to why I'd ask then to just jump straight to anger and impatience. Thanks you guys