Need help please..possible abortion

I'm 4 weeks 4 days..found out 3 days ago. I'm 17 in mt last year of HS and my fiancé is 19. We have been together for 4 years and want children badly. He is very pro life while I am pro choice. He believes that I got pregnant for a reason and I do too...but I've heard how difficult raising a child is while attempting to go to university and finish school and I'm scared my step mom and dad will charge him with statutory rape (Which is not the case AT ALL). I want a baby and believe I would still go on to a university but I tend to b a little too optimistic sometimes. We have talked and he said he would support me no matter what but when I thought I was sold on getting an abortion and told him this, I could tell he was sad and began acting very distant. I don't want to make this decision strictly on him but I just want clarity on what both situations would entail. How hard it would b if I kept it or how an abortion might effect me. I'm afraid of having guilt after getting an abortion and I believe I will regret it. But my logical side knows I should out my education first but it's just such a big decision and I really don't know much about either scenarios. Please help