Do I have a chance to get pregnant or will I struggle?

I am 21 years old and I recently had a miscarriage in April💔 I am scared that I will now have difficulty getting pregnant again. Also my doctor said to wait at least 6 months to try again but I figure that 4 months or 6 it dosent matter I can still miscarriage again either way. 
A little background story: my boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years now. I was on the pill for a year for both period and not trying to have a baby reasons.  I decided to stop taking them. A few months later I started taking them again because my periods where coming up to 3 times a month. When I went back on the pill that's when I got pregnant. I didn't want to be pregnant I didn't feel ready and I was scared. Then I fell in love with the thought of having a baby. A month later I was in the ER💔 according to my OB I was 14 weeks along but the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. I now want a baby more then ever! This is our first month ttc and I'm just scared I won't be able to😔 Sorry for the long post😬