Help!!! Breech at 36+5

Hi Ladies!
I need some help! Any advice on how to naturally turn a breech baby at almost 37 weeks? Went to the doctor yesterday and when she checked me she said she felt a hip instead of a head. So she did an ultrasound and sure enough baby girl is head up. 😕 So she gave me a week to see if she turns on her own, and then if she doesn't would schedule a c-section at 39 weeks. She said it's unlikely she will turn on her own and offered to do and external version next week if she doesn't turn. However there is only a 50/50 chance that will work and there is a chance it could send me into labor anyways. So kinda leaning toward not having it done since I would be 38 weeks at that point and they try to do that earlier than 38 weeks. So I need help! How can I get baby girl to turn?