specialist apt

Stylist85 • TTC for 3± years. been to fertility clinic and naturopath

Hello everyone.

Getting ready to see the specialist AGAIN for the umteenth time. Wondering what some questions should be that I go in asking?

I have been to 2 clinics, done tons of testing, 5 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>'s. Currently on waiting list for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Tried famara and clomid. I've done estrace, ovidrel, crinon,vaginal Viagra. Nothing has worked! Not 1 pregnancy. Been trying for 4 years and with a clinic for 3. I have slightly low AMH, d the docs/nurses have a hard time reaching my cervix cause it is VERY high.

Any advise on questions!!????HELP

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Had your partner been checked?&nbsp;


Stylist85 • Aug 16, 2016
yes. he is all good. sorry forgot to add that