Miscarriage question

Deborah • I am a mother of two of the most handsome boys , wife to an amazing husband
I need to vent to someone that maybe has gone through the same thing I did but maybe made it out ok! I am a mother of two beautiful boys ! Two weeks ago me and my husband just found out I was pregnant , we were so excited ! Than it took a turn for the worst with somthing I never experienced before and I am stressing about it ! Three days ago I started bleeding , I went to er they did blood test ultra sound and check up , I have one doctor telling me I will be fine not to worry than I had the 2nd doctor telling my I have a 50/50 chance of miscarriage ! They sent me for blood work yesterday again to check my hcg level it's going up but it's not doubling like it should be at this point and time ! As each day goes by the bleeding Hershey's a little worse but than slows down and it's not really on my pad it's just up inside of me ! I having little to no cramping ! Today I was seen by the Obgyn they basically told me f my numbers aren't doubling its a sign of miscarriage of I didn't start already but it's still showing I'm pregnant ! They don't want me to look at no ultra sound right now ! He said he hopes he is wrong but the bleeding is by normal either is the hcg level ! Now I sit at home just waiting to keep getting blood tests and to see Obgyn again! Can anyone have any positive experiences they have gone through or even what I am going through! I need advice I need mom talk 😥