
When your baby is in pain and you can't fix it RIGHT NOW! I am so beyond frustrated with doctors right now. My LO is 11 weeks and has been suffering from reflux since he was at least 6 weeks (Probably before). Well he's been on zantac, omperazole and a combo of the two. While they do help some they are not helping enough. I've been to countless appts with the pediatrician regarding this and have made a million phone calls. I was basically forced into giving him special hypoallergenic formula for a milk protein allergy. I know I could've breastfed and just eliminated dairy but I was told it would be at least 2-3 weeks if not longer to see results and I had to be super careful because even a little hidden dairy could prolong the process. Tired of seeing my LO suffer I gave him the formula (alimentum). I was assured that I would see a difference in a few days if it was the milk protein causing his issues. Well here we are a week later and he's just as bad as ever. My milk supply took a huge hit because it's been almost impossible to pump enough with this fussy little guy. The pediatrician wants me to continue with formula for a while longer (now all the sudden it takes up to 2 weeks for the formula to help 😐) she wants me to see a specialist at the local children's hospital but we can't get in there for a few weeks. I really think he just needs a dosage adjustment or a different combo of meds to help him. I'm so upset that I may have given up breastfeeding for nothing. I just want answers. 😢