
My husband and I are using the diaphragm method. We had sex successfully (we're new to this) about 3-4 days before I ovulated. It was protected, but this method does have less effectiveness than others. I'm supposed to start my period Saturday according to Glow (more than likely it'll be Monday or Tuesday because I haven't used the app quite long enough for it to register my 30-32 day cycles). I usually have some PMS symptoms; last cycle's were especially strong. But this time I haven't had any PMS symptoms at all that I have noticed. Instead, I'm pretty fatigued, I feel mildly queasy a few times a day, and I feel like I'm breathing more often. I feel like it's highly likely that my brain is tricking me into thinking I'm pregnant because I'm freaking out a tad...but could it be possible? I'm so restless waiting to see if my period comes. But all in all I just don't feel the way I usually feel before my period. No increased facial blemishes, no crazy appetite or cravings, no mood swings, no breast soreness (even hubs noticed this one), no headaches, etc.
What do you ladies think? Could I be pregnant? (Just looking for input. Planning on taking a test next week if I don't start.)