My birth story

My rainbow baby was born August 8th , 2016 at 11:06pm. I went in on the 7th to start my induction at 37w4d because of preeclampsia. I started cervidil at 8pm. I was soft but not dilated. It was taken out at 6:30. I was having contractions 2 minutes apart at that point but they weren't doing anything so they started pitocin at 9:30am and that stopped my contractions. They slowly upped the pitocin until 1pm when my ob came to check me and I was only at 3cm and 60% effaced. So he swept my membranes and gave me an hour to see if I progressed. I hadn't so they broke my water. It still give me contractions so they continued to up the pitocin. Around 6 it suddenly got painful and I wanted to push but I was only at 6cm and 80% effaced so I tried nuvain and it took away the pain but not the urge to push so I got my first epidural. Then I went to sleep and woke at 10:00. I asked to be checked again and I was fully dilated. They called the on call ob and when she got there I began pushing and four contractions later he was born. He had the umbilical cord tihtly wrapped around his neck so they quickly cut it and took him away. He was having respitory problems so they quickly transferred him to a different hospital to be in the NICU. I was bleeding heavily so I had to stay behind until I was stabilized. He spent six days in the NICU but he's home now and doing great.