Donating frozen milk?

So I'm in the unfortunate position where I cannot use my frozen breast milk. We found out that LO has food allergies, and most of my milk has allergens in it. 
One place told me they cannot accept milk that is older than three months. About half my stash is at that three-month mark. They also said I need to donate at least 150 ounces throughout the duration of my breast-feeding, but I don't have nearly that much frozen and my supply is going down. So I cannot commit to that.
Another place was willing to take milk older than three months, but said I could not donate because I had taken fenugreek sporadically here and there (through tea). Since I could not tell them exactly which frozen milk had fenugreek in it, they were not able to take it. They said studies were inconclusive about how they affect premie babies (which I totally understand).
Finally, I was told about a breast milk study clinic in Massachusetts. But they have not gotten back to me. And their website looks like it's very specific research and would not likely want it anyway.
So what do I do with this milk?? I have about 50 or 60 ounces ranging from 7 weeks frozen to 3.5 months. It's taking up a lot of freezer space, and I can't get myself to throw it away. Any ideas?