I DID IT!!!! Sorry its LONG

🌺Momma C🌺
I started laboring at home at about 9:30pm on 8/17 (my due date). I had complete back labor so all these contractions were in my back. Needless to say I was up ALL night. I knew I was getting induced that morning so I didn't go to the hospital. So on 8/18, I arrive at the hospital with my fiancé and my mom. I was 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and at a -2 when I was checked. So I had progressed from 37weeks. Throughout the 12 hours I had to get stadol 3x because I was in so much pain. I was in and out of the bathtub also. Around 8:30 pm, the nurse took out the cervadil and checked and I was at a 6. She couldn't give me anything because it wasn't time for stadol. Well I was in so much pain I was shaking and getting sick. I broke down and asked for the epidural. The anestesiologist and midwife were at home so I had to wait extra long. There was another lady delivering and dilated the same as me so they went to her first unpon arrival. When the anestesiologist arrived he went to give her one so I could get checked and get ready........well because I had stadol again, I was dilated to 8cm!!! So guess what!? NO EPIDURAL FOR MEE!!! I was so upset I cried my eyes out and was yelling at my mom and fiancé. I told everyone to leave. The next time I was checked, I was still at an 8 so the midwife broke my water. Well that didn't help much. I couldn't start pushing because the tip of my cervix was thick and swollen and wouldn't go away so baby couldn't come down. I couldn't move because I was in so much pain. The nurses had to MAKE me move into all these different positions to get the cervix out of the way. Finally after a LONG HARD STRUGGLE, I was ready. I had the hardest time pushing. Baby's head came out then went back in and didn't want to come out. She cut me on the top and bottom so he would fit. After what seemed like FOREVER, Gabriel Jesus Gamino was born on 8/19 at 1:53 am. He weighed 7lbs. 5oz and was 20" long. The midwife said she is proud because a baby like that was big for my body type. In the end, I got my baby and my vagina is torn to shreds 😂😂💙💙