My labor story

Tracey • little girl Ivy🌷❤ kaleb💙💙
Well I was 6 days over due and had an appointment with the induction specialist on Monday Aug 8th. And that Monday morning 2 am I woke up with a sharp pain... I had been hoping for natural labor I've head horror stories about induction, so I woke up my husband and told him I think I'm having contractions!!! 6 contractions later I knew it was the real thing we decided to go get checked at the hospital which is only about 10 mins away. They told me it was pre labor and I was dialated about 1.5 cm and to go home take a bath come back when my contractions where 5 mins apart so at 9 am I did. It was a long ass night finally at 9 i went back in and I was 4 cm they had my room set up and i got the epidural. Which worked for about 45 mins. I told the nurse that I was feeling all my contractions she didn't believe me and refused to turn it up said she didn't want me to go "too numb" I explained to her I wasn't numb at all and that I could feel everything waist down. She still didn't believe me and said you're supposed to feel, it's just supposed to help with the pain. At this point I was feeling my contractions full force. I was checked again at 230 i was 6cm. The nurse left the room and at 3 I was convulsing uncontrollably and my body was pushing without me even trying I told my husband to call the nurse. She came in and checked I was 10cm and ready. I pushed for a little over an hour and at 427 she was born. When they went to a stich me up I yelled. The Dr said you can feel that?! I said yes I've been telling the nurse that the epidural wasn't working the entire time. They had to freeze me so they could finish .. but my girl was healthy and 7.8 lbs of Angel. Over all it was rough like a 15 out of 10 lol but the outcome was worth it :)