Positive HPT and Blood test. Sonogram showed thickened endometrium

So on August 10 I took a home pregnancy test and it came out positive. That same day I had anblood test done that came out positive too. I had my first OB-GYN appointment yesterday and the sonogram didn't show a gestational sack. The doctor did say that the endometrium looked thick which is a sign of early pregnancy but that if I'm supposed to be 5 weeks (according to my last period) the sonogram should've showed a gestational sack. He told me that it could be that my cycle was not exact and that I could be very early in my pregnancy or that it could be an ectopic pregnancy. He sent me to have quantitative blood test. 1 today and one on Sunday for comparison. I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms but no ectopic symptoms. I'm freaking out that I might not have a baby this time 😭