My story

Im 17 years old and my pregnancy was not planned nor did i want a child... i found out i was pregnant when i was 4 weeks. i was so scared and didnt know what to do. telling my parents and family was the hardest part of all this but after that was done it all got easier . 
i started to like the feeling of having a little me around!!! i was getting so excited! buying diapers, little clothes & bottles, not even knowing the gender yet! haha maybe even taking things to fast. me and the father were so happy, we were gonna be a family!
but now, 4 weeks later, im now at 8 weeks . and on August 19, 2016 . i had a miscarriage... and lost my baby. 
i know i would've been the best mother to my child. he or she was gonna be such a beautiful baby.. i would have loved it more than anyone could love another but God took my baby from me before i ever got the chance. I know everything happens for a reason but i just know if i would have gotten the chance to show everyone how much my baby would've meant to me, none of this would have happened..