After 4 years of trying to get pregnant and after 4 miscarriages we found out today that we are preg...

After 4 years of trying to get pregnant and after 4 miscarriages we found out today that we are pregnant! I wanted to share my story with you all, just in case there are different women going through the same thing. My Husband and I tracked my ovulation very carefully last month. I was supposed to get my P. on 8/10/16. That day I went to the bathroom and seen light brown spotting, I was for sure that it was coming but it never did. I took 3 pregnancy tests wishin the next 5 days and all came out negative! I really didn't know what was going on, I also don't have any symptoms except for excessive peeing! Lol! I took another today after being 10 days late and I finally got a big positive right away! I'm always reading trying to find a story similar to mine. I hope this helps anyone with doubts or questions, just keep faith! Baby dust and prayers to everyone!!