Luke Archer finally came! LONG birth story

Luke finally made his way into the world at 6 days overdue, 20.5 inches long, and 10 lbs 8 oz! Everyone was shocked when he came out by his size. 
We went to the hospital on Sunday night around 10 because I started bleeding. They checked me out, said I was just barley at 1 cm and it was just my mucus plug and body getting ready for delivery and they would see me on Tuesday for my next appointment. While there the monitor was showing that I was having contractions and I realized that the  pelvic and hip pain/pressure were actually contractions and started on Saturday. 
We went home and the hubby went to sleep. I tried to lay down but was super uncomfortable. Kept having
Contractions and they were painful but nothing too horrific. I rocked in my gliding chair, bounced on the yoga ball, took about 5 warm showers and just walked around. Around 6:30 I called labor and delivery again to tell them that my contractions were coming anywhere between 3-6 minutes apart but they weren't all lasting one minute. The average was about 55 seconds. The nurse told me that as a first time mom this process was going to take awhile and I should go to sleep and rest. 
At 9:30 I called L&D again and told them my contractions were anywhere from 2-4 minutes apart, but they still weren't all hitting that minute mark. I was in a lot of pain though and felt like I should come one. The nurse kind of heavy sighed and recommended that I try to labor at home as long as possible since I was only at 1cm when I came in earlier. But said that I should come in whenever I was ready. 
My biggest fear was getting sent home so I talked to the husband and we agreed to wait till noon to go in. I took another hot shower (seriously my like 8th that day) and paced around for a little while longer. 
Finally at 10:45 I couldn't take it anymore and I said we had to go. Called labor and delivery on the way and I truly started almost blacking out between contractions. My body was so exhausted and in so much pain that I don't remember the entire car ride to the hospital, other than telling my husband that I didn't want to have any more kids when we were in the elevator to get to the garage. 
When we arrived at the hospital I had a contraction in the parking garage, another in the hospital hallways (where a lovely woman came up and asked if I needed a wheelchair) and then another as we were waiting for the nurse to let us into the labor and delivery ward. During the last contraction I started crying because I was convinced the nurses were all judging me and we're going to send me home (Looking back, I was a little irrational at this point. Husband said it literally took them 90 seconds to come out and get me while I was convinced we stood there for 5 minutes.) 
Once we got into the room the midwife came in immediately and saw me crying. She encouraged me to get undressed and gowned so she could check me. She examined me and said "Oh, girl!" So I started crying again convinced that she was going to send me home, but I was at 8 cm! They went and found the epidural fairy immediately and then it was pretty smooth sailing from there. The epidural slowed things down, but it was a blessing because I was able to take a nap and have the energy to push. 
I pushed for 40 minutes (my contractions started slowing down during pushing so they gave me some pitiful to crank them back up.) and then Luke appeared to a few gasps and a "Whoa he's big!" He came out with his hand by his face so I ended up with a 3rd degree tear    When the doctor came in to see me up he said, "how numb is she?" And refused to tell me how many stitches he used 😂
We are all home and healthy now. It's been a crazy whirlwind and every day is different and new. Your bodies are amazing ladies and I can't wait for all of you to experience this huge life event!