Can anyone relate?

So I've been TTC for 4 months now. AF was due today mayb tomorrow but hasn't showed up so well see, but honestly I think I'm out this month I've had slight cramping since Friday. And I know 4 months is nothing compared to what others have under their belt but I can't help but think if mayb something is wrong. 
So back in December 2014, I had a laporoscopy and appendectomy. The laporoscopy was to figure out what was causing me pain (Doctor wasn't sure it was appendix) anywho while looking around he discovered that my uterus is tilted. 
Also, in April when I went for my pelvic exam I told my doc I was going to start TTC and she tells me that just to give me a heads up she's noticed that I have a flat pubic bone so that to deliver I most likely will have to do by c-section. So I'm dealing with a tilted uterus and a flat pubic/pelvic bone... Should either one of those cause me problems when TTC?? I was just hoping mayb someone could relate and was successful at conceiving. Also, anyone have a flat pelvic bone and was able to deliver vaginally?