I was killed in my dream

Literally just jumped up out of my sleep. Smh I was in the car with my bf (we aren't together) and we were on our way to my cousin house to pick up a baby shower gift she didn't get a chance to give us bc she had to work the day of our baby shower (it was at night so it was dark outside). I got a FaceTime call from my friend and my signal kept dropping so I decided to txt him instead. He was asking me what was I doing and how was I feeling. Before I could respond and tell him who I was with and where I was going I looked up and noticed my bf was taking an unfamiliar route to my cousin house so I asked him where was he going and was he lost? Then he pulled into this alley between two buildings. It was nothing but trees and I couldn't see what was ahead of us as he kept driving forward. Then he got out of the car and I asked him where was he going? He said he had to get something. I felt car moving after he got out so I yelled out to him telling him he didn't put the car in park but he just stood there staring at me. Before I could get out the car rode backwards (reverse) through bushes and into water. I yelled as loud as I could "please help me!!" and then I woke up. My heart is still beating out of my chest. I don't understand the meaning of this dream or if there is even one . My bf is in no way shape or form abusive to me nor has he ever been. Even though we aren't together he still talks to me with the upmost respect. I will say I am 30wks (FTM) and high risk and lately the thought of labor scares the fuck out of me. I don't know if me being nervous about giving birth is the cause of this weird deam but I hope to never have another one.