Share: Your late baby experience. Here's mine.

All I have seriously been doing on here is bitching about how miserable I am. Well, last night I went to L&D with contractions that were 3-4 minutes apart. My due date was yesterday. I was released after 40 min bra sue nothing was happening. I made them disconnect me and let me leave. The hospital was hot, I was itchy, and not going to wait there for another 30 min knowing they will release me becaUse I wasn't progressing. 
This morning I had a follow up with my doctor. My baby is basically not engaging. My body is contracting to try to get her to engage, but she won't. Which is why I am not dilating anymore. I am a 2 1/2. He told me that he can induce me with pitocin. But, since she isn't engaging with contractions, she likely won't engage with those contractions either. So, he said there is a high chance of sitting tied up to machines on pitocin for 6 hours, and being sent home. Obviously pitocin sucks, and they won't give me any pain management if I won't go into active labor. My husband and I nixed that in the butt. We have another appt on Thursday and he will check to see if she is engaged, and I have a more favorable cervix. If so, we will induce. If not, it will be more time, waiting. 
Oddly enough I am not as anxious about her arrival. I am oddly calm. Mean while I am on day 4 of contractions. Yayy. :/ 
I would love to hear your late baby experiences!