
I'm not really sure how to feel about this. Maybe talking about it will help. My MIL has decided she was pretty much setting up a crib and all kinds of things at her home. We live literally across the st. from her. I'm staying at home with my baby. I'm not against baby being over at her house but just not sure why she's setting up and buying like she is, like she will have my baby all the time or something. I have a son as well before this marriage and I've mentioned to everyone that they can't just take one and not the other. My husband and I have been together 5 years now. I just don't want my son to feel left out. They treat him awesome but never offer to take him.

Another thing that bugs me is my baby is due very close to the holidays (Nov 20) and she seemed to have her feelings hurt when I said I would prefer not to take the baby out for Thanksgiving dinner. She made the comment that she would come get her. Like no I don't want a nb passed around. And I honestly just want to be at home with my baby. I'm also wanting exclusively breastfeed and no one but my husband seems to be accepting any of my decisions. He's the only one who hasn't had something negative to say about anything I want to do but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I just don't know what to do. :(