Some unexpected gender disappointment

I'm a 3rd time mom. I have a girl and a boy. Found out today our 3rd (and final) baby will be a boy. I never cared that much with my other kids about the gender so I was very surprised at how much I wanted a girl this time around. Everything felt like a girl to me, all "signs" pointed to girl, my husband swore it was a girl, we have a girl name we love but can't come up with a single boy name, every time I thought about the baby it was a girl. I'd tell myself, "Be fair, it could be a boy! Think boy too!" but it was just always a girl in my head. I'm so happy for a healthy little boy growing inside me. I love him and he and my son will have so much fun together, I know this! It's just such a weird feeling to feel so strongly that it was a girl only to be wrong. I cried with my husband in the parking lot, and I felt silly and selfish for doing so but I feel like I'm mourning this 2nd girl I'll never have now because we know this will be our last baby. I have to let go of ever using my daughter's old baby clothes again or using the girl name we loved. And it doesn't help any that my 5 year old daughter really wanted a sister and is pretty bummed she's not getting one. I just need to reframe my mind, get over the things I was looking forward to with a girl and move on. I know thousands of women would kill for a baby, no matter the gender, I'm not being ungrateful just dealing with some emotions I didn't expect. I'm praying for a quick mental shift and pure boy excitement to ensue.