6 month doctor appointment

We saw a different pediatrician than we usually do for my son's 6 month check up, and he told me (unprompted) that I shouldn't be and need to completely stop breastfeeding at night, and to let him cry it out, then gave me photocopied information from a book written in 1999 that among other things says to cover a side of the crib with a blanket which sounds like a suffocation risk to me, and says baby shouldn't be taking more than 2 naps a day... yeah, no. If my son wants to nurse at night, I'm not going to leave him to cry. He doesn't take a pacifier, or suck his thumb, even if he is just comfort nursing and doesn't need the calories, he's a baby and comfort is a need just like hunger. Dude pissed me off tryin to give me unasked for parenting advice. Venting, sorry.