

Maybe someone can help me here. I have appt with my normal OB on Mondays and my high risk OB on Thursdays.

I'm 37+1 and was told I'd be having my baby at 38+1 last week. So I planned it with work, got my paperwork ready, and told my family. Later that week, the nurse called and said the dr made a mistake and he would talk to me today (our weekly appt). I talked to the high risk Dr that Thursday and she said she would recommend 38+5 induction, but nothing earlier unless something negative were to come up.

So, today I see the dr. He was rushing me and then said he would schedule it at 39+2 after he spoke with the on call Dr... He's on vacation that entire week and won't be delivering my baby at all. I asked him if we could do it 38+5 and he said there was only one Dr there that day so we'd do it the next week. This super frustrates me. Why stress that you don't want the baby going past 39 weeks just to refuse to schedule until after? Now I'm terrified something bad will happen to my baby because they are all on vacation.

And then he says (after promising me for weeks we would have a solid date today) he can't schedule until he talks to the on call Dr. I asked what day would he call me by. He said, "I'll call you." by this time I'm in tears. I won't see him again, he's out next Monday. It could be even later than 39+2 now. So I'm without my dr, without a date, and I'm so scared something bad will happen, as GD people have higher risk of still born. So I don't have a date, I'm still crying 3 hours later, and I've got no support.

Have any other GD people had anything like this. Should I be this upset? This worried? I just want him to be safe and healthy and the way the Dr's talked before, it's better he is here sooner rather than later.

Thanks in advance for your help