Misery business...

Janey • Farm life. 🐓 🦆 🐐 Mama of three boys! 👶🏼🧒🏼👦🏼

39 weeks and 4 days...was due to be induced tomorrow AM and got postponed to Thursday morning. :(

I've been at 3cm dilates since 37 weeks. My doctor and midwife gave me the okay to try these home inducing options. They (and I) were hoping baby would come earlier since I am so small and I have huge babies! But we also didn't want to rush him too much.

After trying everything to self-induced, they ended up scheduling my medical induction. Pineapple juice, evening primrose oil, bouncing on my yoga ball non stop, walking for hours, soaking in the bath tub, even castor oil and nothing worked.

I am so done. Lol. Sorry, just needed to vent.

Please no bashing about being impatient! I have had severe pain since 20 weeks!