I Don't feel alive

Lately me and my husband have just kind of fell off. Well more me then him. I wouldn't say I've lost interest in him, but he doesn't make me feel alive anymore. I feel like his love for me isn't there although he says it still is. He doesn't do much to show it he barely compliments me and half the time if he does I have to ask him how do I look? I've just been waiting for things to change. But they haven't. We have talked about this issue before and he promises he will change but does nothing to show that he has. I fee like our marriage is dead. I don't know if I'm over reacting. But we've been dealing with these issues for a while. And all I get is promises that aren't kept. He doesn't show me my worth. I try to just look beyond that and just tell my heart that he does love me. But sometimes being told just isn't enough. I've tried countless times trying to talk to him about how I feel& every time I feel like a nagging bitch. And somehow always gets turned back to me making him feel like nothing he does is good enough. Which they is not my intention at all. I just want him to make me feel alive again.