Help me get excited about 2 boys.

So we found out a few days ago that we are having a boy this time around. Our oldest is a girl and our second is a boy so this puts us at 1 girl and 2 boys. My son will be just about 3 when this baby boy is born. This will be our last baby and I'm going to be honest and let you know that I felt some initial disappointment. I'm very grateful for this 3rd baby and I know I am blessed to even be carrying a baby but I just really thought it was going to be a girl. All signs pointed to girl. My husband swore it was a girl, I could only ever think of the baby as a girl no matter how hard I tried to think of it as a boy too. I grew up with only sisters, even the vast majority of my cousins are girls. I know girls. I do not know boys very well at all and for some reason, just always imagined 2 girls and a boy. I know I just need to reframe my thinking, let go a bit and everything will be great but I'm honestly a little nervous to have two boys. A lot of my friends who have two boys have kids that fight a lot. Or they are extremely crazy and constantly feeding off each other and getting into trouble. Can you help me get excited about two boys, 3 years apart? What are some advantages? What have you loved seeing in your 2 boys and their relationship? I know I'll get there, I'd just love some encouragement.