Is this normal?

Venus • Owner of Rosemary & Thyme Blog 🍨// Baby #1 born at 35 weeks🌻
Hubby and I have been ttc for a year. I have wanted to get pregnant SO bad since we started trying. We have had zero pregnancies and are starting to loose hope. At times I want it so badly that I catch myself day dreaming about it. Day dreaming about finally seeing a positive test, how i would react, cry? Probably. How I would tell the hubby. How he would react. I picture myself with a growing belly. I even picture seeing my babies face for the first time. Have any of you that are having trouble conceiving ever done this? I am sure that many of you want a baby as badly as I do. Baby dust to all of you!! 
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I'm right there with you Hun. 12 months TTC our first. I'm nearly 30. I am making an appointment to see my dr next month. Makes me feel better to have a plan going forward and hopefully get some answers. 


Venus • Aug 24, 2016
I am trying to keep my head up. My cousin ttc for 10 years and then finally got pregnant. It's just hard to have hope at times.


Venus • Aug 24, 2016
It gets hard. At times I think "will I ever get pregnant? What if I never have kids?" It really sucks.


Nia • Aug 24, 2016
It will happen for u keep your faith


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It will happen in the perfect timing I know exactly how u feel I'm 31 no kids 


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You arent alone...