Menstrual cups and maybe a little TMI

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train
So after years of my love hate relationship with pads and tampons I decided to end things today and bought a menstrual cup. Not because I want to save the earth, but simply because I'm just tired of getting gooped up and leaks from pads and the dry irritating feeling that you get from tampons, not to mention the leaks. 
I feel like I should give you ladies a little background into what's going on and maybe you guys can recommend something to me. 
I used to be super regular. Like look at the calendar and know exactly what day it's coming regular. Then I gained some weight and was in a high stress job that left me rather depressed. By some weight I'm talking like 70 lbs and my periods stopped. I decided earlier this month to buy some Vitex and go to the gym and try to get this weight off and see if my periods started again. (The last period I had started March 1st and lasted until about the 5th or 6th. I'm the type that usually has one heavy day followed by a couple regular days and then it's light.) So Sunday I started for the first time in months. I have been ok except it's way heavier than normal. Like soaking through almost every pad and tampon I have been using. Decided to try a cup today and see if it helped with that any. I got it after work, put it in after my shower and had it halfway full in 3 hrs. It may not sound like a lot, and compared to yesterday it wasn't. Just the hrs between my shower and going to be yesterday I went through 3 pads cause I'd sneeze or be doing something, and well, we all know what happens next. I woke up this morning and every single part of that pad, from front to back was saturated and it was dripping and all down my legs. Major early morning shower mess. 
To make a long and rambling story short, I'm 23 and trying to get myself in shape. I've been taking 3 400 mg Vitex a day as the bottle recommends and I've just got my period for the first time in 5 months. It's been exceptionally heavy this go round. I bought a Size 1 Diva Cup which I have found super easy to use today. However I don't think it's gonna be deep enough if my periods stay this heavy. I'm a bit concerned just because I have never had it this heavy before. 
Do you ladies recommend a different cup for someone who has never had kids before? Do I need to cut the Vitex down and take a smaller dose? Do you think it's this heavy due to the fact that I haven't had it in so long? Is a cup really safe to sleep in?