Teen mom birth story


It started off Thursday night me and my boyfriend were having sex (it took me a whole month to convince him to have sex with me. He was so scared just in case he hurt the baby which he didn't) so Friday morning at 4:30am I started having lower back contractions nothing major. We knew it was sex that set labor off. So I went food shopping with my mom at 10am still having back contractions still nothing to bad, we get home at 1 in the afternoon and decided to phone the midwife. Waters haven't broken yet. She sends us to get checked out at the hospital. (After waiting over 1 hour) a midwife finally puts me on a monitor to check contractions and babies heart rate. They checked me I was 2-3cm so they said go for a walk for 4 hours around the hospital, we got back to the ward at 5:30 they checked me again I was 3cm so i had a nice warm bath they then checked me again at 8:00pm still 3. My midwife warned them I had a good very good pain thresh hold. From 8:00pm Friday night till 8:00am Saturday morning they left me with only 2 paracetamol and when they checked me I was 8cm they only give me paracetamol the whole night I was in so much pain.

So I was in my own room, baby was being monitored the whole time due to lack of movement. She then broke my waters, (sweet Jesus did it hurt so much) so I then labored for 5 hours used the ball laid in different positions after the 5 hours they checked me at 1:00pm I was 9 and a half cm they told me to push all that came out was a load of blood. They gave me a spinal and an emergency C-section because babies heart rate kept dropping at 7:59pm my princess Summer-Louise was born😍