I need advice/help

Ashley • 20. First pregnancy.

I've been awake most of the night because of this.. My boyfriend is still really close to one of his ex girlfriends, doesn't have any actual kids with her but her one little boy use to call him dad and I am not sure if he still does. Last year him and I use to fight all the time bc he'd have her over at his apartment all the time, she was there more then I was. He doesn't understand why I have such hard feeling about it, he's cheated on me once before so what's gonna stop him from doing it again.. I never liked the fact that she would be her, I didn't know what was happing, every time she was there it would take forever for me to get a reply back from him. But my boyfriend and I just had a baby going on 3 weeks ago. So I asked him today if he would like to take baby to go meet her (bc I know she wanted to and pictures just don't do justice) so we went, I was fine for the most part till she started talking about how her little boy called/calls him dad. And there was a few other things that got to me. My boyfriend is always saying about how her mother could care less what she does if she's with him. And just seeing them together hurt like I feel like he still has major feelings for her. He'll hide that he's texting messaging her, and if I am home he won't answer her phone calls hell text her and tell her that I am home.. I feel like he could probably care less about me some times..

I had the worse possible delivery ever, I had to have a c-section for a breeched baby and had so many complications. I lost a good amount of blood.. my uterus wouldn't form back up so I was still bleeding after my c-section. I had a high fever with a possible infection. After they brought me back to my postpartum room the nurses didn't even wanna let me hold my baby bc I was really bad like cold shakes but more of like a seizure type thing I was just alert.

I am still worked up about my delivery/c-section and everything else with this girl on top of it isn't helping me. I don't like admitting things are wrong so I want admit I am feeling depressed to my doctor bc I don't really feel depressed, but I am.

He's been asking me if I am okay I just say yes bc he won't understand and then he'll probably go back and tell her.

I'm stuck I don't know what to do.. please help me..