So upset

Caitlin • Mommy to Emery Tristan (10), Wyatt Adam (2), and our first girl Olivia Grace born 9/3/16!
I swear my body hates me.. The on call dr put me on IV fluids to see if I was dehydrated and it would calm my uterus down. At 5 minutes apart? Yeah, okay. Didn't once suggest I get up and walk. Anyway, not dehydrated at all and fluids didn't stop my contractions from getting to 3-4 minutes apart. She decided to send me home yet again. At 4am. After 5 hours with contractions 3-4 minutes apart but not progressing past 3cm dilated. So, still in constant pain but in the comforts of my own home. They said "we know we said of your contractions are 5 or less to come in to L&D but since you're 36w and not progressing past 3cm, only come if your water breaks." I told them how my son came at 36 weeks when contractions were 1-2 minutes apart but I wasn't progressing past 3cm so they broke my water, gave me the epidural and he was here within an hour" they said "still you're only 36w so come in if your water breaks" well, it never has broken on its own (I have two other kids) so what's 5 more days of pain with contractions every 3 minutes. You'd cry too if you've been in excruciating pain since 3am Monday morning with no help or relief.