Need advice.

So we are team green. We live in a very small town. We had finally decided on one of each name. This morning we found out that another expecting couple we know but do not hang out with chose our girls name for their daughter who is due a couple of weeks after us. They will be in the same grade. Do we change our name ? Do we keep it ? Do we throw the whole keeping it a surprise thing out the window and find out what we're having to alleviate the stress. On a side note, we do have a ton of other stressful things going on in our lives , we are trying to buy land and build a house, the bank is taking forever to let us know if we have been approved for the loan. The house we currently live in was foreclosed on( we were renting it, it's not our house )and sold at auction the other day .. We have no idea when we will need to leave ... I have had some minor issues while pregnant, high blood pressure , pretty bad swelling of my feet and hands which makes it difficult for me to clean/ get things ready for the baby. My husband owns his own business and is extremely busy and works long hours. What should we do !? We really don't want our child to have to same name as another child in their class if it's at all avoidable but we really love the name and it took us FOREVER to agree on one we both like. We are due September 27th..... Suggestions/opinions please ! 
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Posted at
Go with the name you picked


Posted at
I would just find out the sex 


Posted at
I feel like if you love the name, stick with it.  You had your decision made before the other couple and you are due first.  Alexa is a pretty common name at this time anyway 


Posted at
The name is Alexa so we can't really spell it differently. I'm not really into that anyways. It would still be the same name 😑 it's a frustrating situation but thanks for the suggestion ! 


Posted at
Well, since is a small town it is inevitable to choose a name that other kid in class wouldn't have. Maybe if you can keep it similar to name you both wanted for your baby, but spelled differently? I don't know. 😉☺