Birth story

I finally had my Princess on 8/22 at 11:16pm! I was so worried we would have to evict her! My due date was 8/28! I started leaking a little fluid on 8/20 but didn't think much of it cause it was very little and I had NO contractions! I decided to wait it out until Monday when my Drs office opened! I called first thing and they told to go to L&D to be checked out! I got to L&D about 9:30am and they did a swab test to see if it was amniotic fluid and the test came back that it was so they admitted me! The hooked me up on an IV and gave me fluids and an antibiotic just to be safe cause my water had been leaking! Around 12 that afternoon they put me
On pitocin to help speed me up cause I was still only 1cm dilated and they say you should deliver within 24 hours after your water breaks/leaks! About 1:30 I started feeling little mild contractions that weren't to bad! Once I got to 3-4cm they got more intense so I got my epidural around 4:00 (it is such a miracle drug lol) My dr came in and finished breaking my water when I was about 6cm! finally about 10:30 they said I was about 9 1/2CM and we start some practice pushes around 10:45! We started pushing and she was moving down pretty good so my Dr came in! After about 30 min of pushing my sweet angel baby was born at 11:16pm and was nothing short of 6lbs 9oz 20 inches of PERFECTION! I ended up tearing a little and had to get stitches but nothing serious! I honestly had the easiest pregnancy and delivery! My SIL said that after seeing me push my baby out like a champ she didn't wanna ever mess with me haha I am so thankful my baby is here and is as happy and healthy as can be!