6 week old schedule

Ftm here! My 6 week old weighs 12lbs 4oz and has plenty of dirty/wet diapers. He is ebf and occasionally takes a bottle with bm. He usually goes to sleep around 11pm and sleeps until 3-4am until he wakes up for a feeding and then goes until 7-8am. However, during the day he wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours. He is getting at least 4oz when he eats and the other day finished a 5.5oz bottle after crying for more. I am just wondering if this sounds normal or if I should try to get him on a more consistent schedule possibly with longer time between feedings? I also feel that he may be eating so often because he isnt sleeping as long as they say 6wo should sleep. He only takes one "long nap" (2hr) between 8am-11pm and just takes a few 10-20min cat naps throughout the day. I go back to work and nursing school next week and really want to figure out what type of schedule I should be keeping. Thanks in advance for any advice!!!