Ericka • 26. Married for 5 years. Pregnant with my first. 👶🏽🍼
What were your hcg levels? I went to get my urine test done at my primary (military base) and I drank a lot of water so my urine test came back negative despite my over 10 positive hpt. They decided to do a blood test and told me that it was positive and that I was indeed pregnant and my hcg levels were 133.7. I called the on base ob to make my first appointment but said they couldn't due to my urine test being negative and my hcg levels being so low. I need to take another urine test on Monday. I was told not to stress bc it's most likely due to my urine being diluted and me being so early that my levels aren't that high. Of course being paranoid as I am I'm extremely nervous about of it. They said that if my urine test was negative again then they would run another hcg beta test to make sure my levels went up and if not they would refer me to the hospital. Even though they tell me not to stress, all those things make me nervous. I took another hpt after that call and my line is actually darker but I'm just very aggravated they would not make my appointment even though a blood test is more accurate and I had several positive hpt. I thought at this time (4weeks) 133 was normal? I thought it ranges from 50-500? Any thoughts on all this? I attached the picture of my hpt taken afterwards.