The Pregnancy Diet


Ah...the pregnancy diet (at least for me).

Okay, I want something to eat, can't have eggs runny, *cooks eggs fully*...wait this is disgusting *throws away*.

Okay, sandwich! Can't have deli meat, tuna will make me barf, pb&j hurts my stomach. Gah I wish I could eat sushi.

Okay, i'll eat veggies and fruit, wait...crap they all went bad! WTH, it's only been a day (or maybe a week)?

Okay, i'll just get a burrito from Taco Hell...but wait no fastfood (hah like you follow that rule when your pregnant brain screams for sausage mcmuffins).

GAH. I'll just eat bread and pasta, mmm carbs...yep my thighs are gonna love me...