I've cried,laughed, HELP

RIGHT I do not know what to think?!!??? I'm freaking out. My cycles are so messed up we had a mc last month. I had a light bleed which would be my next AF after MC last week but it was like 2 weeks late and light. I'm due to ovulate in a few days according to glow although I know it's usually off. I've felt like crap this last week I feel so so so drained although I've been having a lie in every other day had way more sleep than usual as I work in a school and it's school holidays YEY! Making the most of it. Anyway I did a ovulation test and it came up two thick dark lines.. Never usually happens so I did a pregnancy test and hay ho this comes up within a minute or so.. ??? What I'm sooooooo confused other half is out at the gym I need someone to talk to! We have been TTC for 18 months 

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