a baby story june 4th 16'

Beth • First time momma! Have a lovely little girl 💋 kaylee rose🌹 6/4/16
Thursday june 2nd i went in for my final ultrasound to make sure my daughter was head down. I was so excited to see her again! Well got back to the exam room after seeing her and the doctor came in and said well i have good news and i have bad news...she said good news baby is head down which is great but bad news you are low on amniotic fluid and she explained that i could have the option of being induced or i could come in the following week for another ultrasound. I then asked her what my fluid should be at and she said a 10 and said i was at a 7. I asked her if she could tell me how fast the rate was that i was losing fluid and she didnt have an answer and i didnt want to chance it and possibly regret not getting her out incase it got too low and made it dangerous for her so i decided to go ahead and be induced the following night. Well i was told to call the hospital at 6:30 pm to make sure i had a room ready by 8, well it was ready at 10 so thats when we arrived. I got checked in and all set up answered a million questions! I had group b so they started my penicillin and my iv and started the inserts to soften my cervix i went in dialated at a 1. After a couple hours i started shaking uncontrollably because of the hormones, and at 2 am i was still at a 1 and my iv was drastically burning my arm the whole time and everyone kept telling me to sleep..so at 3 am my mom and my fiance went downstairs and i finally fell asleep not even two minutes after they walked out my water broke when i moved to a different position. So i called the nurse and told her i wanted the epidural. They sent for the anesthesiologist well then everyone came back upstairs and the dr came in and started setting me up for my epidural well long story short he missed 2 times and went in through my headache spot. About 30 minutes later i was at a 4 and they shut off my epidural and put me on oxygen and said if my blood pressure keeps dropping then id have to have a csection. Thankfully it stopped and they turned my epidural back on. At 8 am i was fully dialated and started my pitocin and the dr said in 30 minutes i was to start pushing. 8:30 came and it was go time. I pushed 3 times and on that 3rd push my beautiful baby girl came into the world crying at 8:51 am. When she was put on my chest i felt at peace and knew she was okay and that i finally had her. While they were stitching me up my epidural was wearing off and i felt every stitch so they had to numb me again. The following day i had the worst headache and couldnt turn my neck or my head. Well the nurses told me when they went through my headache spot it trigured a migraine. So the following day i decided i wasnt going to be able to take of my daughter like i was supposed to if i couldnt even turn my head. So i decided to get a blood patch done. For those of you that dont know what that is its basically the same procedure as the epidural but they took blood and filled it in the spot where it was so it could form a clot and the pressure and massive headache would subside. Best decision of my life but it took time. Well while i was in the hospital i noticed i was getting a rash i didnt really pay any mind to it cause i thought it was my hormones. We got home june 5th and had her pediatrician appt the next day. It went great but i seriously wasnt in the mood to even leave the bed. Because of the headache i could only hear vibrations in my ears the first two weeks and had the headache that long as well so my foance slept next to our daughter because i couldnt hear her. Then i found out i had pupps which is the worst rash ive ever experienced and i was miserable. I couldnt get my daughter to latch and i was having such a hard time trying to be more help but i couldnt at first. Finally when she was 4 weeks i was almost back to myself and i was so happy. I could hear better and was able to move around more because the headaces were making me off balanced and i was told i could not carry my daughter around the house till the dizziness went away and i had a 2nd degree tear. I am so blessed to have my daughter here but i will never deliver at chesapeake regional ever again!