I need some advice.


So my husband and I have been TTC for just about 11 months and I am VERY irregular (This year I have only had about 3 periods). At the beginning of this year I went to the doctor with painful sex and bleeding, I had scans and blood tests to see what was wrong and they told me I was fine. They also said that because I am irregular it maybe harder to get pregnant but they could not say for certain until a year had passed and both my husband and I could have fertility tests done.

Anyway in the passed few weeks I have been feeling off. My appetite has gone through the roof, I have been so tired and all I want to do is sleep. I have been craving food that sometimes I would never think of eating.

Over a month ago I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. Now I fear that if I take another and it comes out negative again it is going to hurt a lot more.

I feel as though every 'symptom' I get that can be linked to being pregnant is happening to be but I don't know if it is just me wanted to much and making a huge deal out of something that is not there.

Anyone felt this way? Any advice for me??